Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
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What are the various programmes?
- Ashraya – A Home for senior citizens.
- Vidyanidhi – Loan scholarship for needy students to pursue professional courses.
- Gokul Building project – Building redevelopment.
What is the objective of each of these programmes?
- Ashraya – A Home for senior citizens:- To expand the existing facility to accommodate more number of senior citizens.
- Vidyanidhi – Loan scholarship for needy students to pursue professional courses: To ensure to the extent possible that no deserving student is deprived of higher education due to lack of money.
- Gokul Building Project – To construct a new Gokul Building replacing the old one with additional facilities for multipurpose community activities and to relocate the existing Krishna Temple which is operated under the auspices of Shri Gopalakrishna Trust.
Are they time bound
They are spread over a period.
How will the funds be applied?
Funds will be applied as per the donors’ instructions
What is the process of scrutiny an audit?
The trust is audited by reputed firm of Chartered Accountants, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Bombay Trusts Act.
What are the concrete plans of action and timelines?
- Ashraya Expansion is a one year project. The plan is to increase then present capacity of the Home for Senior Citizens by adding an additional floor.
- Vidyanidhi is an ongoing project of funding the education of needy students for the initial 5 years, and later on the repayment of loan will take care of the fresh needs.
- Gokul building is a five year project. This will entail demolishing the present structure and building a new one.
Does these objectives in any way aligned with the schedule V11 of section 135 of Companies Act on CSR
Contributions to Old age home and Vidyanidhi meet the criteria specified under Schedule 7 of Section 35 of Companies Act, on CSR. Refer to item (iii) and item (ii) respectively of the Schedule VII
what are the different avenues for monetary contributions / donation?
- Donations to the corpus of trust.
- Sponsorship of the events for the project period.
- Advertisements in the Souvenir
Is there a target collection amount to be achieved?
- Ashraya Target is Rs.300 Lacs
- Vidyanidhi target is Rs.300 lacs
- Gokul Building Target is Rs. 2600 lacs
In whose name should the cheque for contribution / donation be drawn?
The Bombay South Kanara Brahmins’ Association.
The B.S.K.B.Association.
Is income tax benefit under section 80G available?
All Donations made to The B.S.K.B. Association are eligible for Income Tax benefit under Section 80G.
Are donations for all the programmes eligible for 80G
Yes. Donations for all the above programmes are eligible for 80G Deduction
Plot No. 92, Sector 19, Nerul (E), Navi Mumbai – 400706.
Gokul: +91 8591732651
Ashraya: +91 8591732653